1111 Alameda Blvd. NW. Ste E, Albuquerque, NM 87114
Veterinary Food Therapy

The Importance of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Food Therapy:
While most people are aware of how important proper nutrition is for maintaining or correcting health, often little emphasis is placed on proper nutrition for our pets. Many of today’s commercial pet foods are lacking in nutritional support needed for those animals with certain chronic disease conditions or those who are unable to properly digest the ingredients in these foods. Often chemical additives that are used as stabilizers and have been implicated in the cause of cancer and other diseases in both animals and people.
About Commercial Pet Foods:
Many of the commercial pet foods use a grain-based carbohydrate source now recognized as a significant contributor to allergic skin disorders, as well as inflammatory bowel disease. There is a growing concern among Holistic Human Nutritionists that, in many people, grains can be the cause of imbalances in blood sugar and the underlying cause for chronic degenerative diseases. There is, among our population, an increasing aware of gluten intolerances and the relation to celiac disease.
All living things have a natural source of energy, life force or bioelectric pattern unique to themselves. Foods that have been significantly modified or processed often have their unique natural energetic properties changed or depleted in some way. Less processed foods with grain-free, chemical-free, hormone-free and antibiotic-free ingredients are especially important older pets, pets with certain medical conditions or those pets that cannot properly assimilate poor quality commercial pet foods.
"Chi" or "Qi" as Energy Sources unique to food:
The energy sources unique to foods are also considered a form of “Chi” or “Qi” energy in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. These energetic ingredients can either contribute to imbalances or be used to correct imbalances.
As an example, many pets have “Heat” conditions. Feeding lamb-based foods to them can significantly add more “Heat” to their bodies. This is because lamb is considered to be the very hottest protein energetically.
On the contrary, other foods can be either neutral or cooling in their energetic properties. These properties can correct health.
TCVM and the emphasis on proper nutrition:
In general, little emphasis is placed on proper nutrition for our pets. Many of today’s commercial pet foods are lacking in nutritional support for animals with certain chronic disease conditions or who are unable to properly digest the ingredients in these foods. In addition, chemical additives used as stabilizers have been implicated in the cause of cancer and other diseases in both animals and people.