1111 Alameda Blvd. NW. Ste E, Albuquerque, NM 87114
Frequently Asked Questions

Initial Consult and Treatment: $145
Initial Consult Additional Pet: $100
Follow-up Acupuncture Visits: $85
Electroacupuncture: $48 addt'l
Aquapuncture: $20 addt'l
Cold Laser Minor: $40 addt'l
Cold Laser Medium $50 addt'l
Cold Laser Extensive $60 addt'l
Cold laser-regular visit and eval. $85
Cold Laser-medium visit $70
Cold laser-minor visit $55
Massage Therapy: $ 2.00 per minute
Customized Food Therapy Plan $125
Cost for Chinese Herbs: based on quantity
Addt'l services billed accordingly
Gross Receipts Tax: 7.625%

Office Hours
Monday: 9 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 9 AM-5:00 PM
Friday: 9 AM-5:00 PM
Weekends: closed

Referrals from your primary Veterinarian are highly welcome, but not necessary. All referrals will be discussed with the referring veterinarian and a report can be provided by us for the records of that office if requested.
All clients are advised to return to their primary Veterinarians for diagnostics and other services, such as vaccinations, western medical treatments and surgical procedures.
No other procedures then those listed on this website can or will be scheduled or performed by Dr. Schlesinger at the Animal Acupuncture Westside office.

Cash, credit cards and personal checks are accepted.
$20 fee for returned checks due to insufficient funds.
Credit card payments are subject to a 3.9% convenience fee.

A Note to Veterinarians
We focus on integrative therapy for your patients so that they get maximum benefit from the combination of your treatments and ours.
No other services beyond Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Cold Laser and Food Therapy or recommendations for holistic supplementation will be performed by us.
Your patients must return to you for diagnostics and other forms of conventional veterinary care, such as continued medical evaluations, prescribed medications, vaccinations and surgery.